Underlay: Horse racing at shorter odds than seems warranted by past performances.
Under wraps: Horse under stout restraint in a race or workout to keep from pulling away from competition by too large a margin.
V.M.D.: Veterinary medical doctor.
Walkover: Race in which only one horse competes.
Washed out: Horse that becomes so nervous that the animal sweats profusely.
Weigh in (out): Certification, by clerk of scales, of a rider's weight before (after) a race; jockey weighs in fully dressed with all equipment except for helmet, whip and maybe a flak jacket.
Weight-for-age: Allowance condition in which each entrant is assigned weight according to age; females usually receive a sex allowance as well. Wheel: Betting all possible combinations in an exotic wager using at least one horse as the key.
White: Horse color, extremely rare, in which all hairs are white; animal's eyes are brown, not pink, as would be the case for an albino.
Wire: Finish line of a race.
Withers: Area above the shoulder where the neck meets the back.
Work: To exercise a horse by galloping a pre-determined distance.
Yearling: Horse in its second calendar year of life, beginning Jan. 1 of the year following birth.
Yielding: Condition of a turf course with a great deal of moisture.
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Here are some other handy links to the major races that you may fine valuable through out the year. We also have updated event pages for all major races. Check out our home page on the left navigation bar under the handicapping resources section during all major horse racing events. (Kentucky Derby, Preakness Stakes, Belmont Stakes and Breeders Cup)
Kentucky Derby Odds
Kentucky Derby Picks
Preakness Stakes Odds
Preakness Stakes Picks
Belmont Stakes Odds
Belmont Stakes Picks
Breeders Cup Odds
Breeders Cup Picks
Remember to drop us a line if you have any questions about our Horse Racing Terms and Betting Terms or if there is anything we missed at service@docsports.com