The Ferringo Method - Sports Betting System by a Proven Winner
by Robert Ferringo - 10/20/2014

My mantra when it comes to turning a long-term profit in sports gambling is pretty simple:
"Gambling isn't magic. It's mathematics."
Most people expect professional handicappers to be one of two things: crooks or magicians. The crooks are easy to spot. They are the ones with the used car salesman shtick and the focus on short-term results or The Next Big Play.
The truly talented, moneymaking handicappers are a lot tougher to find. And when people do find handicappers like myself they think it is some kind of parlor trick or black magic. They think that we are somehow fortunetellers or soothsayers. But the reality is actually a lot more boring and simple than that.
As a professional handicapper, I have one goal in mind: make my clients money. It isn't about glory, it isn't about my statistics, and it isn't about my pride. It's about turning a profit in the sports betting market, and that is it. And to accomplish this simple-but-elusive goal I always keep a long-term vision of success in mind. If people think they are going to double their bankroll in a couple weeks or a month then they shouldn't be betting. But if they are willing to commit to my system and trust the process then they can make a lot of money and have a blast doing it.
With that in mind, I employ a unique betting and handicapping style that I refer to as The Ferringo Method. The Ferringo Method calls for a significantly higher number of wagers each day and each week. I am a volume handicapper, and I won't hesitate to release 26 plays on a college hoops Saturday or to release 11 MLB plays on a Wednesday in June. I utilize this method across all sports - football, college and pro basketball, hockey, baseball and soccer - and anyone that has been a client for any extended time knows what I'm talking about.
For the uninitiated, most handicappers release one or two plays per day in their respective sports. They like to put their eggs in one basket and try to find the best of the best selection. Not me. If there are 30 games on the board I am not looking for one winner. I see 30 potential winners. And I want to find as many of them as I can.
I don't wager this way because I'm some action junkie or because I think it is fun to have that many games on my card. Again, the answer is a lot simpler:
It is just numbers.
A lot of people think, "There's no way that anyone can turn a profit in the long-term betting like that." I get that response all the time. And I understand the fear. What I do is so unique and so different from what everyone else in this industry does. It is kind of jarring to people that are so conditioned to bet a certain way. But if you think about innovators across any field, be it sports or business or any other field or social avenue, you realize that there will always be innovators testing the boundaries and finding new, better ways to accomplish things.
Here is the point where I could get into all kinds of advanced probability theory and statistics and how they relate to gambling. We could talk about converse probabilities and probability distributions and all kinds of fun stuff. Instead, we'll use some basic math to really get to the fundamental concept of The Ferringo Method:
Gambler A bets $500 per game on 100 games. He has the year of his life and wins 63 percent of his games (which is an unsustainable long-term rate and nearly impossible to replicate over several years). Counting the 10 percent juice on all of the bets (+500 for a win, -550 for a loss) that would equal a profit of $11,150. That's a heck of a year! I would think anyone would be happy with those numbers, right?
Well, Gambler B bets just $250 per game. But he does so on 1,000 games. He has a very good, stable, long-term system and over that time period hits 57 percent of his bets. Again figure 10-cent vigorish on all the losses.At the end of the season Gambler B would rake in a cool $24,250 in profit. Now THAT is making money.
So using this method a person can bet half as much money on each game, hit a significantly lower percentage of their bets, and still make MORE THAN TWICE AS MUCH PROFIT! And at the end of the day that's what it really all comes down to: how much actual money you walk away with. Everything else is just window dressing.
The key to the profit is that a larger sample size helps to limit the variance - also known as "winning streaks" and "losing streaks". Sure, every gambler has plenty of both. But you can mitigate their impact on your overall investing- therefore never getting "too high" or "too low" - by increasing the total number of plays.
The Ferringo Method makes sense as a gambling theorem. But most handicappers or bettors simply aren't good enough to pull it off. It can get overwhelming. Most bettors simply do not know enough about sports betting to be successful over 1,000 or 2,000 or 5,000 plays. And that doesn't even account for the stress and emotional toll it can take. That is precisely why I am a professional and people pay for my service. Because if they tried to do what I do on their own they are going to go real broke, real quick, and it would drive them mad.
But I do know what I'm doing. And I always take a long-term view on success and making money for my clients. And everything that I do - from the Unit Ratings that I apply to the number of plays that I release - is with earning a long-term profit in mind.
The results speak for themselves.
Since July of 2010 I have turned a full season's profit in 17 of the 22 sports that I have handicapped. Over a 42-month period from 2010 to 2014 my clients, betting $100 per Unit, banked $46,840 in profit. These numbers are tracked, documented and 100 percent accurate.
That means if you followed Doc's Unit system and one Unit was equal to one percent of your bankroll then you would've turned over your stack almost five times. Those numbers also don't account for the fact that you likely would have bet more per Unit as your bankroll grew. If you consider exponential profit then my clients could have turned their bank roll over as much as 10 times in just three-and-a-half years.
To use some raw numbers - and just using the one percent per Unit standard - if you had started with $5,000 and bet $50 per Unit your bankroll would be at nearly $29,000. If you started with $10,000 and bet $100 per Unit your bankroll would be at nearly $57,000. And if you had started with $25,000 and bet $250 per Unit your stack would be at roughly $140,000. This doesn't account for the nominal cost of service, but you get the idea.
The numbers don't lie. My system works.
We are talking about thousands of plays over months and years. We're talking about a variety of systems spread across a multitude of sports. That is year-in, year-out production, through all of the ups and downs in both sports and life. We're talking about time. And we're talking about staggering numbers. There is no denying it: I'm really good at this, and The Ferringo Method is one of the best investments you can ever make.
I understand that my system may seem unorthodox to some people. I'd say 99 percent of all professional handicappers follow a similar system: they just release a handful of plays each day and week. And that is what clients are conditioned to expect. But to me that approach doesn't work from a sheer statistical standpoint. In my opinion either someone knows what he or she are doing or they don't. Either they have a good system and process in place and they are a good handicapper or they aren't. And over time the numbers are going to bare that out, for good or ill.
I've never been one to follow the crowd or stick to the conventional wisdom. I have honed my craft and developed my own statistically based systems and used my superpowers for the forces of good. And my clients and I are the beneficiaries.
I am a firm believer that the only Right Way to bet on sports is the way that works for you. If you have a system in place and it works - great. Stick with it. The worst thing that people can do is chase after profit when they have a good thing going.
But if you are interested in getting in on the forefront of sports gambling and making ridiculous amounts of money over a sustained, long-term period of time then I would love to have you sign up for service in one of my sports. There will be highs and there will be lows. But over a year, two years, three years, etc. you will make more money gambling than you ever though possible and have a lot of fun doing it. You can sign up on my Insider's Page here or call 1-866-238-6696 for more details.
I am sure that if you've heard the saying, "The House always wins." And the reason that The House always turns a profit is because of one thing: the math is in their favor. Well, The House can keep on winning. But it isn't taking my money or my clients' money. Because I've got some numbers on my side as well. And I'm going to keep on adding to them.
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