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Below you will find updated information regarding the 2007 Belmont Stakes. On this page we will be posting updated articles, picks, predictions, odds and race information all pertaining to the 2007 Belmont Stakes. Bookmark this page and check back often for updates.
Does Derby Performance Factor at Belmont?
by Trevor Whenham - 06/07/2007
Most casual race fans think that a horse's career ends after the Kentucky Derby. Pretty much every horse in the Derby field will go on to run another race, however, and most will run several with possible impressive results. I love following the careers of the Derby horses after the Run for the Roses. On one hand, it only makes sense that it will be interesting to watch 20 of the best three-year-olds in the country as they mature and grow into their obvious early ability. Just as importantly, though, the Derby horses can present some real opportunities for value at the betting window.
Read more about Kentucky Derby-Belmont.
How the 139th Belmont Stakes Shapes Up
by Greg Melikov - 06/06/2007
The third and oldest jewel of the Triple Crown appears to be a two-horse race between Curlin, the 6-5 morning line favorite, and Hard Spun, the 5-2 second choice.
Read more about 139th Belmont Stakes.
Belmont Stakes Field and Analysis
by Trevor Whenham - 06/06/2007
For the second straight Triple Crown race I have to say that the Belmont comes down to two horses. And for the second straight race, I feel a little bad that Hard Spun isn't quite good enough to be one of those two horses. Hard Spun reminds me a bit of Free House, who put on a great showing in the 1997 Triple Crown, but was overshadowed by Silver Charm and Captain Bodgit. Free House went on to have an impressive career, and I hope the same for Hard Spun. With that touchy-feely sentiment out of the way, I think that both Curlin and Rags to Riches are clearly superior horses in the Belmont Stakes field that will show that on Saturday.
Read more about Belmont Stakes Field.
Racing Season Does Not End With Belmont
by Trevor Whenham - 06/06/2007
Though most casual horse racing fans don't seem to be aware of it, there really is a season that happens between the end of the Triple Crown and the Breeders' Cup. The national attention the sport gets, such as it is, basically disappears for five months, but there are hundreds of thrilling races to watch. If you enjoy the big races but don't pay attention otherwise, you really should. Here's a cheat sheet - 10 races worth watching this summer. This is far from a complete list, because pretty much every summer weekend is packed with great match-ups:
Read more about After the Belmont.
Todd Pletcher's Triple Crown Woes
by Trevor Whenham - 06/01/2007
Todd Pletcher. There's a name that has been giving people headaches recently. It's absolutely incomprehensible that a guy can be so dominant in all but three races every year, and so truly terrible in those three - the Triple Crown. If you don't follow horse racing closely you won't have a clear sense of just how good Pletcher is. He has the biggest and most dominant stable in the country (only Steve Asmussen, the trainer of Curlin, can rival the scope of his operation, and even he doesn't measure up).
Read more about Todd Pletcher Triple Crown.
An Early Look at the 2007 Belmont
by Trevor Whenham - 05/28/2007
We're only a week past the Preakness, which means that the Belmont is still two weeks away. That's an eternity in thoroughbred time. Though it's impossible to get an accurate sense of what the field will ultimately look like, we certainly can make educated guesses that stand a good chance of being true. If nothing else, we can figure out the major players. If a bunch of horses join the field late then there's a good chance that they won't be superstars, anyway.
Read more about Early Look.
Belmont History
by Chris, the Impaler
Where were the post-parade invented, the first photo-finish camera used, the first live call announced and the first female jockey to ride a Triple Crown winner? If you answered Belmont Park then you might have a chance against Jeopardy champ Ken Jennings.
Read more about Belmont history.
Doc's Sports Belmont Stakes Winners
by Doc's Sports
Below lists the Belmont Stakes Winners since its existence in 1867. The race takes on June 11, 2005. Also listed with the Belmont Stakes Winner is the Jockey that rode the champion. If you see a (T) listed with the Belmont Stakes Winner that indicates that the horse finished off a tripple crown with a victory in this race.
Read more about Belmont Stakes winners.